We don't take Bull breed dogs for the simple reason you can't give them away no one wants them sorry to say
You can't give these dogs away even if we was offered £500 we wouldn't take one probably best to try your vet no one will trust these dogs thanks but no thanks
Definitely not old dogs what are we supposed to do with one? We haven't got the facility to care for end of life cases
The worst dog you could ever be unfortunate to have is a big untrained dog proper night mare especially if not trained on lead. Thanks but no thanks you keep that
These fogs ok in kennels not to bring home your place will be riddled with dogs hair. Huskies, Akitas all these type of dogs Thanks but no thanks again you can't give them away
The safety of our staff and the general public is paramount if you have a dangerous dog we recommend you have it put down as it will be downright responsible to hand over such a dog to anyone
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